The Danish Internet Exchange Point (DIX) is a facility operated by i2, with four points of presence:
- DTU, Building 304, 2800 Lyngby where it has been located since the beginning in 1994
- Interxion, Industriparken 20A, 2750 Ballerup since 2011
- Fuzion, Niels
Bohrsvej 35, 8660 Skanderborg since 2014
- Global Connect, Hørskætten 3, 2630 Tåstrup since 2016
Those sites are interconnected permitting participants at one site to peer with any other participant or the available routeservers.
The purpose of the DIX is to alleviate the exchange of data traffic between networks that constitute the Danish part of the global Internet structure.
The DIX was established in May 1994 and has most of the Danish Internet providers connected. Under FAQ you can find answers to many questions regarding the DIX and Internet eXchanges in general.
Partners at DIX
The Danish Internet Exchange is worth more to everyone, the more members it has.
So, the campaign from 2020 is extended in the sense that there no longer is a member fee.
Portprices has been lowered too - do have a look in Service information
Important information regarding DIX and power outages can be also be found in the FAQ.